Empowering Community Safety Through Innovative Partnerships and Technology

  • 18 September 2023
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Userlevel 3

In an era where jurisdictions are navigating staffing shortages and evolving community needs, the importance of developing alternative response methods has never been more evident. As more jurisdictions nationwide are looking to establish community safety programs, they realize that finding the right technology solutions and the right technology partner plays a pivotal role in building these programs.

Discover how one jurisdiction faced this challenge and succeeded when you join Government Technology and Mark43 on Friday, September 29 at 11am PT/2pm ET, for an engaging webinar with Albuquerque Community Services (ACS). You’ll hear their insights into developing an alternative response program and why finding the right technology partner was a critical part of ensuring the success of their mission.

Key takeaways include:

  • How to find the right technology partners to support your program’s mission
  • The importance of stakeholder alignment to achieve mutual, positive outcomes
  • Best practices from ACS on building smart community safety programs


Mariela Ruiz-Angel, Community Services Director, Albuquerque, NM

Ganesha Martin, VP of Public Policy and Community Affairs, Mark43  


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