
2022 Public Safety Trends Report

  • 31 December 2021
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2022 Public Safety Trends Report
  • Anonymous
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“Responsibilities that were once considered basic functions of public safety are now being re-examined, leading many to ask, ‘How do we move forward?’” — Scott Crouch, Mark43 Co-Founder & CEO

The world is rapidly changing. And in the U.S. public safety is changing even more rapidly. Which begs the question, “What trends will shape U.S. public safety in 2022?”

The constant, rapid change can complicate the lives of first responders, but one thing doesn’t change: responders’ commitment to serve and protect their communities.

To help public safety leadership prepare for the year ahead, we created a 2022 Public Safety Trends Report through comprehensive, thoughtful research and conversations with industry leaders, public safety professionals, and Mark43 customers. The report highlights six trends:

“Reimagining public safety” is not just a catchphrase — it is a critical next step. In 2022, calls to scale back or eliminate the functions of law enforcement in a variety of areas will continue.

How can agencies best navigate the emergence of movements aimed at scaling back, ‘reimagining,’ or altogether eliminating the functions of law enforcement?

Data is key to improving relationships with all stakeholders. As public confidence in law enforcement approaches record lows, simply having data isn’t enough to rebuild community-police relationships.

How can agencies best use data in their efforts to strengthen community trust?

Modern, diverse workplaces are vital to public safety recruitment and retention. The Great Resignation is driving staffing problems across the public and private sectors, but public safety agencies have struggled to recruit and retain talent across the last two decades. 

How can agencies position themselves to recruit and retain the best employees?

Mobile technology is critical to connect responders and enhance safety. The technology of the future is only limited by the imagination, but public safety agencies need to leverage the connected responder technologies that are available today before planning for the future.

How can agencies identify and adopt technologies that support first responder wellness and increase in-field efficiency?

As cyberattacks evolve, so must cyberdefenses. Hacks happen, and the resulting chaos costs government agencies billions of dollars every year.

How can public safety agencies proactively address vulnerabilities to mission-critical systems?

Consent decrees are here to stay. The U.S. Department of Justice and state attorney generals use consent decrees and settlement agreements to bring reform in agencies with a practice and pattern of misconduct.

What steps can agencies take to emerge from a consent decree, or better yet avoid one altogether?

There is good news. Despite the many challenges facing our public safety agencies, the outlook is positive. Download the 2022 Public Safety Trends Report today to learn more about what next year holds.


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