Getting your question answered has never been easier with the Knowledge Discovery Best Practices. You now have at your fingertips access to more than 100 help center documents, customers just like you, and our team of moderators to help answer your inquiries.
Following the Question Escalation Best Practices below will help you find an answer as quickly as possible.
Step 1: Search the Knowledge Base
Use the search bar by typing in keywords or phrases from your question. We have a large library of documents to help you find answers without waiting for someone to respond.

Step 2: Search/Post in the Discussion Forums
If you have a question, there’s a good chance someone else does, too, and there’s a chance your question has already been asked or answered by another community member. You can use the search existing posts by using the search feature (see below):

If you can't find the information you're looking for using the search feature, then post your question! You have access to an entire community of industry professionals where someone may have the information you need. Here's how to post in a forum:

Step 3: Ask the Community Team
If you have any questions for the Mark43 team or ideas about how to enhance the platform experience, please share by filling out the Mark43 Guardian Hub Feedback Survey.
We’re happy to have you as a member of the Guardian Community!